Fact sheet

Biratnagar is one of the oldest municipalities in Nepal. It was established in 2008 BS. Later it was upgraded to Biratnagar Sub Metropolitan City. On 2072.2.17 BS Biratnagar was announced Metropolitan City with 19 wards. Geographically it is located in the eastern terai of the country. 

Mayor: Bhim Parajuli

Deputy Mayor: Indira Karki

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These combined efforts helped the Bank to post net profit growth of


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These combined efforts helped the Bank to post net profit growth of


Socio-Economic Indicators of Development

Established Year (BS)2008
Federal State1
Adjoined VDC's
Area (sq. km)76.99
No. of Wards22
Population (2011)214663
Female Population99176
Sex Ratio (M: F)102.8
Total Household45131
Average Household Size4.46
Density of Population (persons/sq. km.)2788.1932718535
Literacy Rate (%)
Both Sex 80.49
Growth Rate (2001-2011)1.88
Total No. of Voters
Ranking Among Municipalities
By Area150
By Population5
By Density of Population8
Percentage Share to District Population (%)20.833980753493
Percentage Share to Total Urban Population (%)1.84
Percentage Share to District Area (%)3.15
Households on Rent29.917351709468
Households with Mud Foundation6.8378719727017
Households with Access to Safe Drinking Water (%)36.837207241142
Households using Wood as Fuel for cooking25.230994216835
Households with Access to Electricity (%)91.77283906849
Households without Access to Toilet Facility (%)10.139372050254
Population per km of Road438
Per Capita own source revenue (Rs)
Per Capita Total Expenditure
Per Capita Capital Investment
Employee/000 population
Population per Telephone Line (000’)29.917351709468
Population per Hospital Bed (000’)6.8378719727017
Road Density (length/sq. km.)36.837207241142